Becoming a More Evangelizing Parish

Above all, let your love for one another be intense, because love covers a multitude of sins.  Be hospitable to one another without complaning.

1 Peter 4:8-9

39 Responses to “Becoming a More Evangelizing Parish”

  1. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

  2. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    The basic reason Catholic Christians are called to extend hospitality is that it is an expression of love.

    Hospitality is first an attitude, the attitude of servant, the attitude of foot washer.
    Hospitality is also an environment. It involves creating a warm, welcoming space for people.
    Hospitality is an action. It is a willingness to be open, receptive and responsive to people, to reach beyond ourselves, beyond our fears and stereotypes.

  3. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    Want to see the results of the survey taken prior to the Catechetical Leadership Conference with Jim Schellman on Octoberr 21, 2010? Click link below.

  4. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    Check out the Nov/Dec 2010 edition of Today’s Parish. In the article “Good Hospitality is Good Steawadship”, Scott Bader offers a hospitality checklist for Advent and Christmas.

    He asks:
    Is it easy to find the entrances to the Church?
    Can newcomers easily figure out where to park?

  5. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    Hospitality is the outward expression of an inner attitude, a virtue that erupts from the heart, spilling out toward others.

    (taken from Everyday Hospitality, simple steps to cultiviating a welcoming heart by Thea Jarvis, Ave Maria Press, 2007, p. 11.)

    How do you cultivate a welcoming heart?

  6. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    Father Mychal Judge’s prayer of hospitality

    Lord, take me where you want me to go:
    Let me meet who you want me to meet;
    tell me what you want me to say,
    And keep me out of your way.

  7. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    Five simple steps to growth in hospitality:
    1. cultiviate a hospitable heart
    2. emulate hospitality in others
    3. embrace the hospitable moment
    4. enjoy solitude
    5. seek the grace of hospitality

    (taken from Everyday Hospitality, simple steps to cultiviating a welcoming heart by Thea Jarvis, Ave Maria Press, 2007, pp. 69-88)

  8. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    Hospitality is part of our tradtion. It’s found in our families and our churches, in communities that embrace hospitality as a mission and a goal. How we integrate hospitality into our lives is a matter of personal choice. It’s up to us to make our own traditions.

    (taken from Everyday Hospitality, simple steps to cultiviating a welcoming heart by Thea Jarvis, Ave Maria Press, 2007, p. 115)

  9. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    Sometimes hospitality flows like water from a tap, with a graceful gush and happy gurgle. At other times, hospitality sputters and fizzles like a dampened sparkler on the Fourth of July. It’s a tough workout, an exercise I’d prefer to avoid. I have to treat hospitality like any other virtue. I have to put some though into it, get my hands dirty. I have to do my part so God can do God’s part.

    (taken from Everyday Hospitality, simple steps to cultiviating a welcoming heart by Thea Jarvis, Ave Maria Press, 2007, p. 121-122)

  10. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    How do I practice hospitality in my everyday life?

    What opportunities to practice hospitality have I had over the past year? The past week? Today?

    What holds me back from offering hospitality to others? to myself?

    Have I asked God to grant me a hospitable heart?

    (taken from Everyday Hospitality, simple steps to cultiviating a welcoming heart by Thea Jarvis, Ave Maria Press, 2007, p. 122)

  11. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    more hospitality practices….

    How has the hospitality I’ve received from others made a difference in my life?

    What gifts of hospitality do I possess?

    Do I offer as much hospitality to those I live with as I do to others?

    (taken from Everyday Hospitality, simple steps to cultiviating a welcoming heart by Thea Jarvis, Ave Maria Press, 2007, p. 122)

  12. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    A resource worth check out.

  13. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    more about hospitality practices …

    Do I bring a spirit of hospitality to my workplace?

    Does a tradition of hospitality pervade my home?

    (taken from Everyday Hospitality, simple steps to cultiviating a welcoming heart by Thea Jarvis, Ave Maria Press, 2007, p. 122)

  14. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    How can I return God’s hospitality by making room for God in my life?

    (taken from Everyday Hospitality, simple steps to cultiviating a welcoming heart by Thea Jarvis, Ave Maria Press, 2007, p. 122)

  15. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    Hospitality is a seed planted deep within us that awaits our attention and care. Nurtured by willingness, watered by prayer, hospitality reflects the face of a loving, accepting, compassionate God. Wherever we go, whatever we do, we can pray that a spirit of hospitality will permeate our thoughts and animate our actions.

    (taken from Everyday Hospitality, simple steps to cultiviating a welcoming heart by Thea Jarvis, Ave Maria Press, 2007, p. 124)

  16. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    Hospitality is about mutual reverence and relationships. Every person bears the presence of God.

    Radical Hospitality: Benedicts’s Way of Love, p. xviii.
    Paraclete Press, 2002.

  17. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    Hospitality has an inescapable moral dimension to it. It is not a mere social grace; it is a spirtual and ethical issue. It is an issue involving what it means to be human.

    Radical Hospitality: Benedicts’s Way of Love, p. 5
    Paraclete Press, 2002.

  18. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    Please check out the Center for Parish Hospitality. Find out what services and resources they have to offer to help become a more welcoming parish.

  19. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    The biggest obstacle to hospitality is not the state of the world. It is the state of our minds and hearts.

    Radical Hospitality: Benedicts’s Way of Love, p. 16
    Paraclete Press, 2002.

  20. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    Hospitality is the overflowing of a heart that has to share what it has received.

    Radical Hospitality: Benedicts’s Way of Love, p. 20
    Paraclete Press, 2002

  21. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    Because hospitality always involves giving something of ourselves to others, it is a spiritual practice. Spirituality is about relationship.

    We are caught up in what is probalby the most immature attempt at spirtiuality humanity has ever seen. It is tragically and poignantly adolescent, with the deep emotion and angst that goes with adolescence. It is a spirituality that seeks improvement for life – a better me, a better relationship – but it does not seek God and it does not move us toward others.

    Radical Hospitality: Benedicts’s Way of Love, p. 33-34
    Paraclete Press, 2002

  22. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    “May I know you better? is the core of hospitality.

    Radical Hospitality: Benedicts’s Way of Love, p. 36
    Paraclete Press, 2002

  23. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    Choosisng against hospitality means you will eventually lock your heart away from others and grow cold and hard inside.

    Radical Hospitality: Benedicts’s Way of Love, p. 37
    Paraclete Press, 2002

  24. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    Hospitality is about priorities as well as the state of your heart. How much do people matter? How important is it to make room for others?

    Radical Hospitality: Benedicts’s Way of Love, p. 43
    Paraclete Press, 2002

  25. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    Great article in the JanuaryFebruary 2011 edition of Today’s Parish. “The most important people on your parish staff” by James N. Reinhardt (p. 16) looks at the “first contact” employees of your parish and how their dealings with visitors are crucial to the success of your mission. He asks questions about proper attire, friendly greetings, appropriate behavior, training, etc.

  26. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    Do you have any hospitality success stories to share – especially during this Christmas season?

  27. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    I just returned from the diocese of Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, Mexico. Hospitality and welcoming were foremost wherever we went. People were always gracious, always extending a welcoming smile or hand. I ask myself, what is it we can learn from them and how to we take on that same Spirit in our parishes and our lives?

  28. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    I just read about a comment a priest made in his homily. the average Catholic invites someone to attend church with him/her once every fourteen years.

    What does that say about our evangelizing efforts?

  29. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    Father Robert Hater tells many stories of people who left the Catholic Church and found a home in a Protestant Church. He explores the reasons in his book, What can Catholics learn from Evangelicals?

    What do you think are some of the reasons he found?

  30. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    Evangelical churches do not wait for people to show up at church.

    (What can Catholics learn from Evangelicals? Robert Hater, p. 46)

    What implications does that have for the Catholic Church?

  31. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    When changes occur in the Church and parishes try different ways to be effective, it becomes evident that no magic formula exists to create a welcoming community. …. no better formula exists for community and hospitality than the one Jesus gave us, namely, to love God and one another. When parishes center their ministry on this commandment, community happens …… To put flesh on these words involves a painstaking effort to get along with one another, serve the poor, and create effective ministries to share, live, and celebrate God’s Word.

    (What can Catholics learn from Evangelicals? Robert Hater, p. 53)

  32. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    Many evangelical churches preach a simple message: The Bible is God’s Word. Live by it and be saved!”

    Fr. Hater critiques that statement. What do you suppose he has to say about it? What do you think about this simplistic approach to Christianity and life?

    (What can Catholics learn from Evangelicals? Robert Hater, p. 62)

  33. Jane Says:

    PNCEA is now Paulist Evangelization Ministries. Great resources avaialble!
    In a recent e-mail from Fr. Frank DeSiano, he names some assets of the Catholic Church. How often do we think about – and celebrate who we are?

    Herre are a few …
    An unbroken two-thousand year witness to the Gospel

    The Eucharist as unity with God through Jesus, our fundamental worship

    A consistent call to holiness and heroic sacrifice

    A world-wide community of faith and values

  34. Jane Says:

    Here is a great web site for stimulating your parish evangelization efforts!

  35. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:

    A sign of a parish’s effectiveness in welcoming and supporting people and preaching the Gospel is found in the staying power of some converts to Catholicism.

    (What can Catholics learn from Evangelicals? Robert Hater, p. 71)

  36. Jane Says:

    What does it mean to put Jesus at the center of parish ministry?
    See what Fr. Hater has to say in his book, What can Catholics learn from Evangelicals? on page 83.

  37. Jane Says:

    The present condition of the U.S. offers the Church a rich opportunity to reach out to hurting people suffering from the economic downturn. )What can Catholics learn from Evangelicals? Robert Hater, p. 88)

    How is that playing out in your parish? What are you doing to reach out to people?

  38. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sidney Media Center Says:
    This article is worth the read. It helps understand the meaning of new evangelization.

  39. Jane Says:

    Donal Harrington in The Welcoming Parish says:

    It is vital to remember that welcome orginates in Go’s heart……. We, the faith community, do not bring God’s welcome to people. We follow after it. Sometimes we trail far behind it and we try to catch up and to appreciate that God’s welcoming heart is bigger than our imagination.

    (p. 33)

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